
The below midget racing car profile is part of an online registry of Edmunds midget racing cars. Please click on the above link to be taken to the complete registry.


Year built 1965
Edmunds Serial # (dash tag) CBM-7
Dash Tag (click to enlarge) .
Year restored to, (if restored), or current status (TBD)
Years the car ran 1965 - 1978
Original engine in car, type, size, etc Offenhauser
Current engine in car, type, size, etc Chevy II
Type of suspension, bar, coil, etc Spring Front / Half Torsion Rear
Miscellaneous mechanical information Single tube frame, as built in 1965
Former drivers Bob Lithgow owner/driver (USAC), Bob Tattersall (USAC), Gary Schooley
(Badger), King Kramer (AMRA), Fred Rockey (AMRA)
Notable finishes, championships Documented with USAC Certificate - Bob Tattersall set track record at Joliet, IL in
Lithgow Offy in 1967. Have photos of Tattersall in car at New Bremen in 1967.
Car # 's the car ran as 28, 88, 79 and 69
Tracks the car ran at, (please list track names and location)

Everywhere USAC, Badger and AMRA ran

Former sanctioning bodies the car ran with USAC, BADGER, AMRA
Current vintage groups the car runs with .
Former car owners Bob Lithgow, Gary Schooley, King Kramer, and Fred Rockey
Year the car was restored Restoration still underway. Once the "year restored to" is known, the car will be moved to that registry year.
Person / shop that did the restoration Current owner
Certifications / awards post restoration .
Web site .
General Description Relatively complete when purchased n 2009, currently under restoration.
Current owner / location / contact information Carroll Hamilton, Florida, hamltonfla@bellsouth.net
Any additional information you want to provide about the car / owner / drivers

These are thumbnail images of each photo. Please click on each to enlarge.

Bob Lithgow

Bob Lithgow