
The below midget racing car profile is part of an online registry of Edmunds midget racing cars. Please click on the above link to be taken to the complete registry.


Year built 1980, (shipped from Edmunds Autoresearch Deceember 4, 1980)
Edmunds Serial # (dash tag) LBM-396
Dash Tag (click to enlarge) .
Year restored to, (if restored), or current status 1980
Years the car ran 1980 TO 1982. Turkey Night 1982 was the last race run. Came in 3rd.
Original engine in car, type, size, etc VW, (size unknown)
Current engine in car, type, size, etc VW
Type of suspension, bar, coil, etc Coil over with RR weight jacker
Miscellaneous mechanical information Hilbourne Injection / Halibrand rear end
Former drivers Dave Gleason
Notable finishes, championships 3rd place Turkey Night 1982
Car # 's the car ran as Original # was 77. Currently numbered 2
Tracks the car ran at, (please list track names and location)

Ascot & Bay Areas

Former sanctioning bodies the car ran with BCRA & WRA
Current vintage groups the car runs with WRA, (http://www.westernracing.com) & West Coast Vintage Racer, (http://westcoastvintageracers.com)
Former car owners Dave Gleason
Year the car was restored 2011 - 2012
Person / shop that did the restoration Mike & Brian Caruso
Certifications / awards post restoration .
Web site http://www.carusomidgetracing.com
General Description Looking for more information about the history of this car.
Current owner / location / contact information Mike & Brian Caruso
Any additional information you want to provide about the car / owner / drivers .

These are thumbnail images of each photo. Please click on each to enlarge.

As purchased in 1991 from Northern California

As purchased in 1991 from Northern California